Teasing Master Takagi-San, Vol. 5

Sale price$13.12


Brief Description:
Middle schooler Nishikata has had it with his classmate Takagi--the chronic teaser who sits nearby. Day in and day out, she comes after him with every sort of trick or prank. Even when he tries to get her back, she's always one step ahead.

Publisher Marketing:
Takagi-san might've won every single prank-off since the beginning of time, but Nishikata's not throwing in the towel yet! All he needs to do is to come up with an ingenious trick, protect it from her crazy mind-reading skills, have a plan B (and C) ready whenever she throws a curveball at him, and keep a poker face at all times...It's that simple. Watch out, world-the operation to reveal Takagi-san's embarrassed face has only just begun!

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