Radiant, Vol. 4

Sale price$10.99


Biographical Note:
Tony Valente began working as a comic artist with the series The Four Princes of Ganahan, written by Raphael Drommelschlager. He then launched a new three-volume project, Hana Attori, after which he produced S.P.E.E.D. Angels, a series written by Didier Tarquin and colored by Pop.

In preparation for Radiant, he relocated to Canada. Through confronting caribou and grizzlies, he gained the wherewithal to train in obscure manga techniques. Since then, his eating habits have changed, his lifestyle became completely different and even his singing voice has changed a bit!

Publisher Marketing:
The world is overrun with monsters called Nemeses--and a young boy infected by one will stop at nothing to defeat them all!

Evil creatures called Nemeses fall from the skies and the only ones who can fight them are Wizards--infected ones who survived a Nemesis's corruption. Seth, one of these survivors, vows not only to fight the Nemeses, but to find their mythical nest, Radiant, and destroy it!

Seth finds himself face-to-face with a man named Piodon, who claims to be his brother. Picodon came to Rumble Town to watch the destruction, but upon finding Seth, offers him something to help with his infection. Meanwhile, Grimm and Mélie continue trying to prevent Hameline from destroying the city.

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