Uranius: Melanin Warrior of the Galaxy

Sale price$18.51


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Gerald Colley is a veteran of the United States Army and served in the Special Forces. He specialized in computer systems and military operations. After being discharged from the United States Armed Forces; he returns to his hometown in Queens, New York. A few weeks later he is offered a position with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to build a Space Ship for Galaxy Travel. This Space Ship would also be equipped with weapons and defense for navigating against asteroids. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sends him a scientist named Cameron Jefferson alias (Neon), who is secretly working in cahoots with the terrorist organization called Karkase. During the top secret project, Neon becomes amazed with the knowledge and skills that Gerald Colley has in computer science and electronic engineering. Later that night, he informs Ecstasy about a potential soldier that would become an asset to Karkase. Ecstasy, secretly conjures up a plan, to capture him after the project is complete. He orders Blizzard, the leader of his specialized task force called the Barracudas, to complete this mission. After the completion of the project, Neon signals the Barracudas to infiltrate the government facility with several other Karkase Soldiers. Blizzard, Parasite, and Mainstreet are on the scene disguised as government Agents, after assassinating several government personnel. They enter inside the lab with the deceased government personnel badges. Gerald Colley is oblivious to the fact, that he is facing imminent danger, and continues the final testing procedures. Neon gives him a high five to celebrate his accomplishment. A few seconds later, the Barracudas remove their disguises and offer Gerald Colley a position with the Barracudas. After receiving the ultimatum, he realizes that the World will be in danger, if Karkase steals the Space Ship. He secretly calls their bluff, and decides to navigate the ship to outerspace. Blizzard orders several Karkase Soldiers to accompany him before taking flight, but Gerald Colley quickly closes the hatch and takes flight into outer space. Neon becomes furious, after witnessing his escape, and allows him to continue the navigation before hitting the self-destruct button, that causes the Space Ship to disintegrate into outer space. Nashamah gather his remains that are scattered into particles floating into outer space. Nashamah is accompanied with four Cherubs, who escort them to the highest level of Heaven. He has a close encounter with the Glory of God, who is surrounded by four Seraphim Angels. The father above transform the scattered particles into human matter, breathe life into Gerald Colley, anoints him with supernatural powers, and changes his name to Uranius "Melanin Warrior of the Galaxy"

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