Sweat and Soap 9

Sale price$13.11


Biographical Note:
Kintetsu Yamada is a manga artist whose debut series is Sweat and Soap, which just began being published in English.

Publisher Marketing:
In an office romance, there's a fine line between sexy and awkward... and that line is where Asako -- a woman who sweats copiusly -- met Koutarou -- a perfume developer who can't get enough of Asako's, er, scent. Don't miss a romcom manga like no other!


Now that Kotaro and Asako have gotten used to living together, they've started to think about what their future holds. It's an exciting--and somewhat terrifying--prospect, one made all the more difficult when the haunting reappearance of a ghost from Asako's past threatens their happily ever after...

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