Aho-Girl 3: A Clueless Girl

Sale price$13.11


Brief Description:
"First published in Japan in 2013 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo, as Aho Gaaru volume 3"--Colophon.

Publisher Marketing:
Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Summer break has arrived, and with it come expanded opportunities for Yoshiko to practice self-expression. Of course, for someone as unburdened of intellect as she is, that self-expression tends to be rather lacking in sophistication. Okay, fine--it's profoundly stupid. Her friend Akkun might be able to handle her, but will he be able to deal with Ryuichi the delinquent's pathetic attempts at friendship? And what about Yoshiko's mother's increasingly manipulative attempts at setting Akkun up with her daughter? Oh, well. Surely a trip to the beach will sort everything out...

A slice-of-life comedy that proves ignorance really is bliss!

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