Murder at Our Lady of Sorrows

Sale price$15.67


Biographical Note:
I am not a writer but an an old 87 year old retired animator/artist who can no longer do a lot of things I used to do. When I bought a computer I began writing because with word processor features it was easy to write and had spell check. I still can't spell but was told I had a flair for writing. So I used my background as an animator and took an old storyboard I once did during my working days wrote and illustrated a book for children called "King of the Ball" which was not a big seller but I still thought it was a pretty good book. Now I have just finished writing a novel that my friends who have read it say it is great. But since they are my friends they might be lying. But If you decide to read "Murder at Our Lady of Sorrows" you could make me a real honest to goodness author. And thank you, you've made my day.

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