Sale price$19.42


Publisher Marketing:
Is THIS scary enough? I created the Bloody Bones--series with the intent to entertain. children, teens and young adults alike with age appropriate material. UY1like Bloody BOl1es .. and Dirty Diapers v This is a book meant for TEENSa loody Bones and Puss-Filled Craters has no story vvritten around a cute family of bears --. -The stories are chillingg short and illustrated. Specifically= a more serious undertone in the carefully selected pieces and poetry meant to entertain and open the eyes of the teen-ager to the horrors of everyday life, while welcoming them into the wonderful world of fictionai horror. As a teen, some of my fondest memories will always include those rare times in which we all gathered around my mother and listened to her tell ghost stories- And now itis MY turnl Each story written is based on my O l experiences and fears, making each of them just a little more scary! Also featuring From beyond the grave! A special feature included that tells the story BEHIND each storyl And to answer the guestion Is THIS scary enough? -Read this book and find out! If NOT you will just have to wait for more Puss-filled cratersl OTHERWISE for the OLDER crowd keep an eye out for: Bloody Bones and Nightmares For YOUNG ADULTS! Well I hope I've frightened you beyond curfewl Tharlk you for i'lviting me into your home and Happy reading I

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