Dragoon: Part 1

Sale price$24.12


Biographical Note:
My name is John Martzowka, I've never went to school to become a writer, IM more of and artist and illustrator and I've taken a number of classes to better my skills in the art field. No drawing ever seems good enough, I can always do better in my eyes. But drawing one picture always left a question for me, I always see the picture as one frame from a movie, or one piece from a story that's a hundred pictures long. So drawing graphic novels has been my love and hobby for a long time. Now that I've found author house a bigger dream has come true, publishing my stories in full color for anyone to have. My work is all fantasy and science fiction. I get graphic at times and the action runs off the page. My favorite two artist that I follow are Alex Ross and George Perez. Everyone says get your work published, well we'll see. hope you enjoy, thank you.

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