Yuyu Hakusho, Vol. 10

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Biographical Note:
Yoshihiro Togashi's manga career began in 1986 at the age of 20, when he won the coveted Osamu Tezuka Award for new manga artists. He debuted in the Japanese Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 1989 with the romantic comedy Tende Shôwaru Cupid. From 1990 to 1994 he wrote and drew the hit manga YuYu Hakusho, which was followed by the dark comedy science-fiction series Level E and the adventure series Hunter x Hunter. In 1999 he married the manga artist Naoko Takeuchi.

Marc Notes:
Translation of: Yu yu hakusho.;This manga contains material that was originally published in English in Shonen Jump #39-43--P. facing t.p.;First published in Japan in 1992 by Shueisha Inc., Tokyo.--P. facing t.p.;This book reads from right to left--P. [4] of cover.;Team Urameshi continues to do well in the Dark Tournament. Fox Demon Kurama makes an honest monster out of Reverse Urashima, but, unfortunately, Urashima's fellow Fractured Fairy Tale Shishiwakamaru silences him before he can divulge the truth about his team.;Rated T for teen.;Translated from the Japanese.

Publisher Marketing:
A delinquent's gotta do what he's gotta do...in the afterlife.

Yusuke Urameshi was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his life...by ending it. When he died saving a little kid from a speeding car, the afterlife didn't know what to do with him, so it gave him a second chance at life. Now, Yusuke is a ghost with a mission, performing good deeds at the behest of Botan, the ferrywoman of the River Styx, and Koenma, the pacifier-sucking judge of the dead.

Team Urameshi's successful campaign in the Dark Tournament continues after Fox Demon Kurama makes an honest monster out of Reverse Urashima. Too bad Reverse Urashima's fellow Fractured Fairy Tale Shishiwakamaru silences him before he could divulge the truth about their team.

Meanwhile, Team Urameshi suffers the biggest blow when one member bids them adieu...for good!

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