The Maiden of Thunder

Sale price$9.38


Marc Notes:
Branan meets his half-sister and together they recount their father's exploits, as well as try to protect a group of Israelite children whose tricks played on Philistine priests could get them all into a lot of trouble.

Jacket Description/Back:
Will the mighty Branan finally be beaten ... by a girl?!? When Branan agrees to wrestle Zarah, the undefeated champion of Gezer, he knows the prize money will quickly be his. But what makes this muscular girl so confident? After hours of fighting, he discovers the truth---she's his half sister! The joy of their meeting is cut short, however, when Hebrew youths deface a massive Philistine idol. Even with their combined strength, can the son and daughter of Samson save the Hebrew community from their enemies' anger?

Brief Description:
Branan meets his half-sister and together they recount their father's exploits, and even amusingly try to catch 100 foxes as Samson did. When the two come across some Israelite children playing tricks on the Philistine priests---tricks that could land them all in a lot of trouble---Branan and his sister must undo the damage before anyone discovers what has happened. Ultimately Branan and his sister decide that together they'll draw too much attention to themselves, so they depart promising to see ea

Publisher Marketing:
Will the mighty Branan finally be beaten ... by a girl?!? When Branan agrees to wrestle Zarah, the undefeated champion of Gezer, he knows the prize money will quickly be his. But what makes this muscular girl so confident? After hours of fighting, he discovers the truth--she's his half sister! The joy of their meeting is cut short, however, when Hebrew youths deface a massive Philistine idol. Even with their combined strength, can the son and daughter of Samson save the Hebrew community from their enemies' anger?

Contributor Bio:Rogers, Bud
Bud Rogers is a cartoonist and editor and has been very active in the Christian comics community for the past fifteen years. Bud uses his organizational and management skills to assist artists and writers in realizing their creative visions.

Contributor Bio:Martin, Gary
Gary Martin's career as a freelance comic book artist spans over twenty years. He's worked for all the major companies, including Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, and Disney, and on such titles as, Spider-man, X-men, Batman, Star Wars, and Mickey Mouse. Gary is best known for his popular how-to books entitled, "The Art of Comic Book Inking". Recently, Gary wrote a comic book series called "The Moth", which he co-created with artist Steve Rude.

Contributor Bio:Cariello, Sergio
Sergio Cariello paid his way through school with his drawing ability. In addition to working on popular characters from Marvel and DC Comics, he taught at the acclaimed Joe Kubert School of Cartoons and Graphic Art.

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